Tuesday, May 12, 2015

THE Liver Meridian



14 Points, Bottom-Up

H1  大敦 (dadun) "Big" bowl/Large Pile, Fountain Point, Wood
H2  行間 (xingjian) Space between Walking/Moving Between, point of pouring-out, Fire
H3  太沖 (taichong) Powerful Street/Great Surge, inductorium, Earth
H4  中封 (zhongfeng) Middle Altar /Mound Center, passage point, Metall 
H5  蠡溝 (ligou) Woodworm Canal, connection point
H6  中都 (zhongdu) Central Metropolis/City, crevice point
H7  膝關 (xiguan) Knee Joint/Pass-Gate of  Knee
H8  曲泉 (ququan) Spring at the Bend, union point, Water
H9  陰包 (yinbao) Point of Uterus/Yin Bladder
H10  五里 (wuli) Fifth Hamlet at Foot/Foot Five Li
H11  陰廉 (yinlian) Narrow pass of Yin/Yin Corner
H12  急脈 (jimai) Urgent/Aroused Pulse
H13  章門 (zhangmen) Decorated/Camphorwood Gate, gathering point (クスノキ)
H14 期門 (qimen) Meetingpoint of the Liver-Circuit/Cycle Gate, gathering point

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