Tuesday, December 8, 2015

THE Kidney Meridian

From sole of foot to collarbone/wishbone:

KD1 涌泉 (Yongquan) Gushing Spring (>sore throat, insomnia, epilepsy, memory loss, anxiety/panic)
KD2  然谷 (Rangu) Blazing Valley
KD3  太谿 (Taixi) Great Ravine
KD4  大鐘 (Dazhong) Large Goblet/Bell
KD5  水泉 (Shuiquan) Water Spring
KD6  照海 (Zhaohai) Shining Sea
KD7  復溜 (Fuliu) Recover Flow (>Diarrhea, abdominal distention, hemorrhoids, constipation)
KD8  交信 ( Jiaoxin) Intersection Reach
KD9  築賓 (Zhubin) Guest House (Strong spirit disorders - anger, cursing, mania)
KD10 陰谷 (Yingu) Yin Valley
KD11 橫骨 (Henggu) Pubic Bone
KD12 大赫 (Dahe) Great Manifestation
KD13  氣穴 (Qixue) Qi Hole
KD14  四滿 (Siman) Fourfold Fullness
KD15  中注 (Zhongzhu) Central Flow
KD16  肓俞 (Huangshu) Huang Shu
KD17  商曲 (Shangqu) Shang Bend
KD18  石關 (Shiguan) Stone Pass
KD19  陰都 (Yin Du) Yin Metropolis
KD20  腹通谷 (Tonggu) Open Valley
KD21  幽門 (Youmen) Dark Gate
KD22  步廊 (Bulang) Corridor Walk
KD23  神封 (Shenfeng) Spirit Seal
KD24  靈墟 (Lingxu) Spirit Ruins
KD25  神藏 (Shencang) Spirit Storehouse
KD26  彧中 (Yuzhong) Lively Center
KD27  俞府 (Shufu) Shu Mansion

THE Bladder Meridian


From inner corner of the eye to little toe:

UB1  睛明 (Jing Ming) Bright Eyes/Light
UB2  攢竹 (Zan Zhu) Bamboo Gathering
UB3  眉衝 (Mei Chong) Eyebrow Ascension
UB4  曲差 (Qu Cha) Deviating Turn
UB5  五處 (Wu Chu) Fifth Place
UB6  承光 (Cheng Guang) Light Guard
UB7  通天 (Tong Tian) Celestial Connection
UB8  絡卻 (Luo Que) Declining Connection
UB9  玉枕 (Yu Zhen) Jade Pillow
UB10 天柱 (Tian Zhu) Celestial Pillar
UB11 大杼 (Da Zhu) Great Shuttle
UB12  風門 (Feng Men) Wind Gate
UB13  肺俞 (Fei Shu) Lung Shu
UB14  厥陰俞 (Jue Yin Shu) Pericardium Shu
UB15  心俞 (Xin Shu) Heart Shu
UB16  督俞 (Du Shu) Governing Shu
UB17  膈俞 (Ge Shu) Diaphragm Shu
UB18  肝俞 (Gan Shu) Liver Shu
UB19  膽俞 (Dan Shu) Gallbladder Shu
UB20  脾俞 (Pi Shu) Spleen Shu
UB21  胃俞 (Wei Shu) Stomach Shu
UB22  三焦俞 (San Jiao Shu) Triple Burner Shu
UB23  腎俞 (Shen Shu)  Kidney Shu
UB24  氣海俞 (Qi Hai Shu) Sea of Qi Shu
UB25  大腸俞 (Da Chang Shu) Large Intestine Shu
UB26  關元俞 (Guan Yuan ShuOrigin Pass Shu
UB27  小腸俞 (Xiao Chang ShuSmall Intestine Shu
UB28  膀胱俞 (Pang Guang ShuBladder Shu
UB29  中膂俞 (Zhong Lu ShuCentral Backbone Shu
UB30  白環俞 (Bai Huan ShuWhite Ring Shu
UB31  上髎 (Shang LiaoUpper Bone Hole
UB32  次髎 (Ci LiaoSecond Bone Hole
UB33  中髎 (Zhong LiaoCentral Bone Hole
UB34  下髎 (Xia LiaoLower Bone Hole
UB35  會陽 (Hui YangMeeting of Yang
UB36  承扶 (Cheng FuSupport
UB37  殷門 (Yin MenGate of Abundance
UB38  浮郄 (Fu XiSuperficial Cleft
UB39  委陽 (Wei YangBend Yang
UB40  委中 (Wei ZhongBend Middle
UB41  附分 (Fu FenAttached Branch
UB42  魄戶 (Po Hu) Po Door
UB43  膏肓俞 (Gao Huang ShuGao Huang Shu
UB44  神堂 (Shen Tang) Spirit Hall
UB45  譩譆 (Yi Xi) Yi Xi
UB46  膈關 (Ge Guan) Diaphragm Pass
UB47  魂門 (Hun Men) Hun Gate
UB48  陽綱 (Yang Gang) Yang Headrope
UB49  意舍 (Yi She) Reflection Abode
UB50  胃倉 (Wei Cang) Stomach Granary
UB51  肓門 (Huang MenHuang Gate
UB52  志室 (Zhi Shi) Will Chamber
UB53  胞肓 (Bao HuangBladder Huang
UB54  秩邊 (Zhi BianSequential Limit
UB55  合陽 (He Yang) Yang Union
UB56  承筋 (Cheng Jin) Sinew Support
UB57  承山 (Cheng Shan) Mountain Support
UB58  飛陽 (Fei Yang) Taking Flight
UB59  跗陽 (Fu Yang) Instep Yang
UB60  昆侖 (Kun Lun) Kun Lun Mountains
UB61  僕參 (Pu Can) Subservient Visitor
UB62  申脈 (Shen Mai) Extending Vessel
UB63  金門 (Jin Men) Metal Gate
UB64  京骨 (Jing Gu) Capital Bone
UB65  束骨 (Shu Gu) Bundle Bone
UB66  足通谷 (Tong GuValley Passage
UB67  至陰 (Zhi YinReaching Yin


Friday, December 4, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Chairman Mao invented TCM !

"Mao understood he needed to deal with criticisms like those of Lu Xun, Wang Qingren, and Wang Chong in order for Chinese medicine to be taken seriously, both domestically and internationally. His solution was a two-pronged approach. First, inconsistent texts and idiosyncratic practices had to be standardized. Textbooks were written that portrayed Chinese medicine as a theoretical and practical whole, and they were taught in newly founded academies of so-called “traditional Chinese medicine,” a term that first appeared in English, not Chinese." 

"As Levinovitz noted, there was no such thing as “traditional Chinese medicine.” Rather, there were traditional Chinese medicines. For many centuries, healing practices in China had been highly variable. Attempts at institutionalizing medical education were mostly unsuccessful and “most practitioners drew at will on a mixture of demonology, astrology, yin-yang five phases theory, classic texts, folk wisdom, and personal experience.” Mao realized that TCM would be unappealing to foreigners, as even many Chinese, particularly those with an education, understood that TCM was mostly quackery. (...) Indeed, as we have seen, Mao himself didn’t use TCM practitioners. He wanted scientific “Western” medicine."

"The institutionalisation of TCM was not inevitable. It arose out of China’s damaged encounters with the West, out of the ideological struggles of the 1930s, and the political needs of the early People’s Republic. And like most traditions, from kilts to Christmas trees, it’s a lot younger than people think."


Sunday, November 15, 2015

For 100 Diseases: BAIHUI 百合

 Acupuncture Point: Baihui DU-20

Baihui DU-20 is one of my favorite acupuncture points, and I use it almost every time I give a treatment. This is the highest acupuncture point on the body, and its name, “One Hundred Meetings,” refers to the convergence of all the yang meridians in the body. Baihui DU-20 is also known to treat one hundred diseases.
This important point is located at the vertex of the head, on the midpoint of the line connecting the apexes of both ears.
The next time you are feeling foggy and need a brain boost, stimulate Baihui DU-20 with your index finger for 30-45 seconds.

(quoted from: http://chalitaacupuncture.com/acupuncture-point-baihui-du-20/  )

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Quieting The Nervous Cough

Both the Shiatsu and the Ayurvedic Tradition valued "Lungs Point 1" 中 府 (Middle Palace, Central Union Hall):

It also has a deep emotional connection to Grief, Depression, Loss and Feeling Stuck:


Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Shiatsu Foot Massage

I realized now. The FEET are a better object for self-massage than the hands. When you're at a foot, you can work on it with 2 hands, not just with 1  hand when you're at your own.

I discovered a nice foot massage now.

Start with KD1 (springing source/gushing spring 涌泉 >good against insomnia) 

Then go around the outer edge with your other thumb (go deep!) 

Then at your knuckles 

Then to the "Dragon Source"/"Blazing Valley" 然谷 (KD2). 

This Magic end point clears all "excesses", especially excessive heat (that's why it's also called "the point of outflow"). The Idea of "Heat" can also manifest psychosomatically as sore throat, irritability, anger, uneasiness, instability, sexual imbalance, impotence or sexual overdrive, fear, irregular menstruation.



A Master At Work (Richard Neil: http://knotsbegone.blogspot.ch/ ):

From a Foot Reflexologist:

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Do-In (Auto-Shiatsu)

Avec Axel Bry!

THE Large Intestine Meridian

From index finger to neck basis to upper lip&nostril

LI20 迎香 (Ying Xiang) Welcome Fragrance: allergies



Saturday, September 26, 2015

My Diary of My Treatment

I have had a quite strong unnerving tension in my right cheek muscle for more than 15 years.

Now with my acquiring knowledge on TCM, I will present you my treatment diary:

I use my first Moxa intuitively on upper right cheek muscle ear point S7

also called

Lower Pass Gate (Stomach 7)


It feels like a spiral of fire penetrating my astral body and showering my whole body with an energizing heat. The heat is just below burning temperature.

I have also tried Acupuncture, but felt that it was too intensive. Moxa or Shiatsu (Anmô) is just the right relaxing power shot for me. Greatly combined with 3annabis 5ativa.

After eating an early supper, I devour at 17:30 a bitter non-tasting green penis formed cucumber cactus. I just manage to keep it down.

I instinctively eat some leaves of the bitter, but aromatic rosemary from my balcony. It helps to divert the nausea successfully.

Additionally I feel drawn to the point Pc 5 (Cleft Gate)


30 minutes after eating the "San Cactus", I still don't feel that much. Only a relaxed feeling. I remember from last time that "the Mexican" likes to take his time for the entrée. I start watching Interstellar (Christopher Nolan) to pass the time quicker.

I decide now that - no, actually,  I realize that I don't need to know any spaced-out black wormholes. Let's leave them alone and go to more important matters. My Future. My future as an well-known 


Here my future in 5 years - or maybe a little earlier. Please.

I maybe feel slightly a little warmer now than usual. 1 hour has passed since ingestion.

I feel drawn to the behind the ear-point (Nr. 17) called

翳風  (Wind Screen)

She tapps on it once: 

He's really good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=2&v=-eTWPPQR8YI

I'm coming back to myself now. 
Need to give myself a treat, if you understand. 
Then go
 back to Interstellar.

Seey u!

It was a nice soft trip. It's 22:24 (5 hours have passed). Watching Interstellar opened up a lot of Heart Chakras. I connected afterwards with people on the internet that really matter. Saying things from my heart. I hope they resonate.

I continued to be spaced out until midnight, enjoying the full moon, another round of "sensuous body handling" and a warming bath for dessert. 
Then nice calm sleep and woke up refreshed. 
No side-effects, no hangover.

I am discovering that the muscle/sinew from my right outer eye down to my right outer jaw bone is all tense irritable when pushed.

Last time one day ago after watching the blood moon from 4am to 6am, I did another fiery session of moxa somewhere on my right cheek. I had the feeling (intensified by 2ativa) that there in my uncomfortable cheek lied buried my angst, my sorrow and my pain. Towards the past the present and the future. I will dissolve it from now.

I'm trying a new dot-point at my right tense cheek eye side. 
I see that it's good against myopia (nearsightedness). My eye problem is that both eyes don't have the same degree of myopia. That might be one cause for the muscle conflict.

GB 1 (basement of the pupil)

瞳子髎  Pupil Cellar

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015

THE Stomach Meridian



From Below Eye to Second Toe:

ST1 承泣 (chengqi) Tear Container
ST2 四白 (sibai) Four Whites
ST3 巨髎 (juliao) Great Bone-Hole
ST4 地倉 (dicang) Earth Granary
ST5 大迎 (daying) Great Reception
ST6 頰車 (jiache) Jawbone
ST7 下關 (xiaguan) Below the Joint
ST8 頭維 (touwei) Head Corner
ST9 人迎 (renying) Man's Prognosis
ST10 水突 (shuitu) Water Prognosis
ST11 氣舍 (qishe) Qi Abode
ST12 缺盆 (quepen) Empty Basin
ST13 氣戶 (qihu) Qi Door
ST14 库房 (kufang) storeroom
ST15 屋翳 (wuyi) Roof
ST16 膺窗 (yingchuang) Breast Window
ST17 乳中 (ruzhong) Breast Center
ST18 乳根 (rugen) Breast Root
ST19 不容 (burong) Not Contained
ST20 承满 (chengman) Assuming Fullness
ST21 梁門 (liangmen) Beam Gate
ST22 關門 (guanmen) Pass Gate
ST23 太乙 (taiyi) Supreme Unity
ST24 滑肉門 (huaroumen) Slippery Flesh Gate
ST25 天樞 (tianshu) Celestial Pivot
ST26 外陵 (wailing) Outer Mound
ST27 大巨 (daju) Great Gigantic
ST28 水道 (shuidao) Waterway
ST29 归来 (guilai) Return
ST30 氣沖 (qichong) Surging Qi
ST31 髀關 (biguan) Thigh Joint
ST32 伏兔 (futu) Crouching Rabbit
ST33 阴市 (yinshi) Yin Market
ST34 梁丘 (liangqiu) Beam Hill
ST35 犊鼻 (dubi) Calf's Nose
ST36 足三里 (zusanli) Leg Three Li
ST37 上巨虛 (shangjuxu) Upper Great Hollow
ST38 條口 (tiaokou) Ribbon Opening
ST39 下巨虛 (xiajuxu) Lower Great Hollow
ST40 豐隆 (fenglong) Beautiful Bulge
ST41 解谿 (jiexi) Ravine Divide
ST42 沖陽 (chongyang) Surging Yang
ST43 陷谷 (xiangu) Sunken Valley
ST44 内庭 (neiting) Inner Court
ST45 厲兌 (lidui) Severe Mouth

THE Spleen Meridian




21 points, from big toe to below armpit:

SP1 隱白 (yinbai) Hidden White
SP2 大都 (dadu) Great Metropolis
SP3 太白 (taibai) Supreme White
SP4 公孫 (gongsun) Yellow Emperor
SP5 商丘 (shangqiu) Shang Hill
SP6 三陰交 (sanyinjiao) Three Yin Intersection
SP7 漏谷 (lougu) Leaking Valley
SP8 地機 (diji) Earth's Crux
SP9 陰陵泉 (yinlingquan) Yin Mound Spring
SP10 血海 (xuehai) Sea of Blood
SP11 箕門 (jimen) Winnower Gate
SP12 沖門 (chongmen) Surging Gate
SP13 府舍 (fushe) Bowel Abode
SP14 腹結 (fujie) Abdominal Bind
SP15 大横 (daheng) Great Horizontal
SP16 腹哀 (fuai) Abdominal Lament
SP17 食竇 (shidou) Food Hole
SP18 天谿 (tianxi) Celestial Ravine
SP19 胸鄉 (xiongxiang) Chest Village
SP20 周榮 (zhourong) All-round Flourishing
SP21 大包 (dabao) Great Embracement

THE Triple Heater Meridian

From Ring finger > Shoulder > behind the ear > end of eyebrow



THE Small Intestine Meridian

The (SI) Small Intestine Meridian has 19 points (from little finger via shoulder blade to cheek/ear):

SI1 少澤 (Shao Ze) Lesser Marsh
SI2 前谷 (Qian Gu) Fron Valley
SI3 後谿 (Hou Xi) Back Ravine
SI4 腕骨 (Wan Gu) Wrist Bone
SI5 陽谷 (Yang Gu) Yang Valley
SI6 養老 (Yang Lao) Nursing the Aged
SI7 支正 (Zhi Zheng) Branch to the Correct
SI8 小海 (Xiao Hai) Small Sea
SI9 肩貞 (Jian Zhen) True Shoulder 
SI10 臑俞 (Nao Shu) Upper Arm Shu 
SI11 天宗 (Tian Zong) Celestial Gathering
SI12 秉風 (Bing Feng) Grasping the Wind
SI13 曲垣 (Qu Yuan) Crooked Wall
SI14 肩外俞 (Jian Wai Shu) Outer Shoulder Shu
SI15 肩中俞 (Jian Zhong Shu) Central Shoulder Shu
SI16 天窗 (Tian Chuang) Celestial Windows
SI17 天容 (Tian Rong) Celestial Countenance
SI18 顴髎 (Quan Liao) Cheek Bone Hole
SI19 聽宮 (Ting Gong) Auditory Palace: ear problems, toothache, manic behavior


Manche Menschen regen sich schnell auf, haben immer schlechte Laune und streiten sich oft mit anderen. Nach der TCM-Theorie haben diese Menschen zu viel Herzfeuer in sich. Und da Sie dieses Feuer nicht „löschen“ können, muss ihr Dünndarmmeridian darunter leiden. Der Dünndarmmeridian ist dann oft verspannt, hart und schmerzt. Deshalb hat häufig dieser Typ Mensch Beschwerden in den Körperzonen vom Ohr bis zum Hals, vom Nacken bis zu den Schultern, vom Arm bis zum Handgelenk und vom Handgelenk bis zum kleinen Finger.



SI8 ("Small Sea"): Ulnar Nerve (Narrenbein, Ellennerv)


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Musical Shiatsu

Use TonesTo Trip:

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

THE Heart Meridian



9 Points, from armpit to little finger:

HT1  極泉 (jiquan) Highest Spring
HT2 青靈 (qingling) Cyan Spirit, Blue-Green Spring 
HT3  少海 (shaohai)  Small Ocean, Lesser Sea
HT4  道  (lingdao) The Way of the Shaman, Spirit Pathway, Way of Structural Force
HT5 通里 (tongli) Connecting Hamlet
HT6 陰郄 (yinxi) Yin Cleft
HT7 神門 (shenmen) Spirit Gate, Road to Cheerfulness (treat Depression/Forgetfulness, Insomnia)
HT8 少府 (shaofu) Lesser Mansion, Little Meeting Place
HT9 少沖 (shaochong) Lesser Surge, Smaller Street

Tuesday, May 19, 2015