Saturday, September 26, 2015

My Diary of My Treatment

I have had a quite strong unnerving tension in my right cheek muscle for more than 15 years.

Now with my acquiring knowledge on TCM, I will present you my treatment diary:

I use my first Moxa intuitively on upper right cheek muscle ear point S7

also called

Lower Pass Gate (Stomach 7)


It feels like a spiral of fire penetrating my astral body and showering my whole body with an energizing heat. The heat is just below burning temperature.

I have also tried Acupuncture, but felt that it was too intensive. Moxa or Shiatsu (Anmô) is just the right relaxing power shot for me. Greatly combined with 3annabis 5ativa.

After eating an early supper, I devour at 17:30 a bitter non-tasting green penis formed cucumber cactus. I just manage to keep it down.

I instinctively eat some leaves of the bitter, but aromatic rosemary from my balcony. It helps to divert the nausea successfully.

Additionally I feel drawn to the point Pc 5 (Cleft Gate)


30 minutes after eating the "San Cactus", I still don't feel that much. Only a relaxed feeling. I remember from last time that "the Mexican" likes to take his time for the entrée. I start watching Interstellar (Christopher Nolan) to pass the time quicker.

I decide now that - no, actually,  I realize that I don't need to know any spaced-out black wormholes. Let's leave them alone and go to more important matters. My Future. My future as an well-known 


Here my future in 5 years - or maybe a little earlier. Please.

I maybe feel slightly a little warmer now than usual. 1 hour has passed since ingestion.

I feel drawn to the behind the ear-point (Nr. 17) called

翳風  (Wind Screen)

She tapps on it once: 

He's really good:

I'm coming back to myself now. 
Need to give myself a treat, if you understand. 
Then go
 back to Interstellar.

Seey u!

It was a nice soft trip. It's 22:24 (5 hours have passed). Watching Interstellar opened up a lot of Heart Chakras. I connected afterwards with people on the internet that really matter. Saying things from my heart. I hope they resonate.

I continued to be spaced out until midnight, enjoying the full moon, another round of "sensuous body handling" and a warming bath for dessert. 
Then nice calm sleep and woke up refreshed. 
No side-effects, no hangover.

I am discovering that the muscle/sinew from my right outer eye down to my right outer jaw bone is all tense irritable when pushed.

Last time one day ago after watching the blood moon from 4am to 6am, I did another fiery session of moxa somewhere on my right cheek. I had the feeling (intensified by 2ativa) that there in my uncomfortable cheek lied buried my angst, my sorrow and my pain. Towards the past the present and the future. I will dissolve it from now.

I'm trying a new dot-point at my right tense cheek eye side. 
I see that it's good against myopia (nearsightedness). My eye problem is that both eyes don't have the same degree of myopia. That might be one cause for the muscle conflict.

GB 1 (basement of the pupil)

瞳子髎  Pupil Cellar

Tuesday, September 1, 2015